4 Health Benefits of Playing Pickleball

Grab a paddle and soak up the rewards of playing one of America’s fastest growing sports

It’s easy to get hooked on pickleball, and reaping its many health benefits is an added bonus. 

 People of all ages are hitting the court to improve their heart health, enhance their agility or have a little fun with friends. Next time you grab your paddle, remember these five health benefits of playing pickleball. 

Boost your brain 

 Not only is pickleball good for your physical health, it’s also an excellent way to exercise your brain. From keeping track of the rules, service order or even your position on the court—you’re working through cognitive challenges. This helps with problem solving, memory recall and concentration. 

 Challenging your brain on a regular basis is the key to keeping it sharp. The continuous thinking and processing that go along with pickleball make it a great activity to add to your regular routine. 


Keep it easy on your joints

 No matter how much you enjoy sports, they can eventually take a toll on your joints. But unlike running or even other racquet sports, pickleball doesn’t put quite as much pressure on your joints. It’s still important to find a good pair of shoes, warm up and stretch before playing and manage any injuries early on. 

 Thanks to a small court size, there’s less running around and wearing out your joints. The lightweight ball and underhand serving also help keep heavy stress off your arms. 


Improve your mood

 There’s no doubt pickleball is an excellent (and fun) way to exercise, and it’s also a great way to boost your mood. Whether you’re looking for a distraction for your mind and simply want to heighten your endorphin levels, it’s hard to go wrong with pickleball. 

 Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress and anxiety, and it goes a long way in helping you relax, get better sleep and improve your self-esteem. 


Foster friendships

 As you soak up all the physical and mental benefits of pickleball, you’re also primed to make a few friends along the way. Pickleball is a social sport, and you’re bound to socialize with some fellow racquet enthusiasts. 

 Socialization is a key way to fend off feelings of isolation or loneliness, and it might even help you live longer. So next time you hit the court, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation. You might just meet some of your most treasured friends.


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